
Last Day of June


Last Day of June

Game and Level Designer

The Project

Last Day of June, a BAFTA-nominated interactive tale of love and loss, is a 3rd person narrative adventure game for PC and Playstation 4.

A collaborative effort between Ovosonico, the musician Steven Wilson and 505 Games. 

the work

  • Game Designer

    • Wrote the story with Lead Designer and Creative Director.

    • Technical writing for various documentation.

    • Various copywriting such as Achievements and their implentation, including translation.

    • Worked with Lead Animator to create storyboards.

    • Directed voice actors to get desired emotional impact.

    • Prototyped mechanics and stories in and out of engine.

    • Implemetation of design and story using in-house tools.

    • Playtesting, QA and Bug hunting/fixing.

  • Level Designer

    • Created various level blockouts for the game.

    • Tweaked camera and character controllers for better feel.

    • Modified existing level structure to tweak gameplay and puzzles and accomodate various changes.

    • Worked with Lead Artist to ensure changes in environment are both beautiful and do not conflict with Design.

    • Worked on early collision passes. 

  • Voice Actor

    • Voiced the protagonist, Carl.

What I learned

I worked from June 2016 to June 2017 as a contractor for Ovosonico in Varese, Italy to help complete the game with the Lead Designer, Mattia Traverso. In the small team, I learned from top to tail the details of shipping a console title.

In the beginning, my work was focused on story and technical writing. Using various software such as yEd and Twine, I prototyped and tested out various mechanics that tell the story to help the Lead Designer and Creative Director understand the options and pick a direction. 

Later, I worked in-engine for the level design and general design implementation. I worked to clarify and simplify an existing bloated system for doors, unifying it into a single language for the players. I was in close collaboration with the artists to ensure that the design was portrayed properly.

I was initially set to only voice the character temporarily, but after a successful first session, the creative director chose to continue having me voice the protagonist.

By the end, I was primarily focused on QA and bug hunting/fixing. However, I was still taking charge of various design tasks such as the copywriting and full implementation of Achievements.

Additional information

Join Carl and June on what begins as a magical outing to their favorite spot, and try to unlock the sequence of events that could save the day - and June's life - in this cinematic experience that will compel you to ask yourself: "What would I do to save the one I love?"